The Inner Child !

We all have an Inner Child—yes, even the one that wants snacks at midnight and gets excited about shiny things! The Inner Child is a reflection of our deepest desires and needs. 

For some, their Inner Child craves wild sexual adventures with multiple partners, driven by sexual desires and similarly, there are men who attempt to leverage power, offering job and wealth to women in exchange for sexual intimacy, driven by the same impulses.

Do you seriously call this kind of arrangement an expression of your Inner Child? I’m genuinely curious—did your parents teach you this nonsense, or or did you learn it from your crew of pigs along the way?

For me My Inner Child longs only for a soulmate—a single, profound connection—and in that quest, there is love and no fight.

It’s funny how people assume that if you're not out there battling it out for money and sex, you're somehow suppressing your "Inner Child" or being overly serious. But here’s the real kicker: not everyone’s inner kid wants to play the chaos game of sex! Some hearts are just content, already overflowing with love, and not fueled by the kind of desires that lead to squabbles and fight.

An Inner Child is the pure essence of the soul, untouched by the mundane world, untainted by the noise and chaos of everyday life. It is that part of us which remains innocent, joyful, and in harmony with the divine. The Inner Child isn’t concerned with power struggles, fleeting desires, or material gains; it seeks only love, joy, and truth. It is the truest reflection of who we are, before the world shapes us with its expectations and demands.

Yet, here we are, witnessing the endless battles people wage over worldly desires, calling it Inner Child or a quest for fulfillment. But let’s be honest—the games the pigs like testing  dick head play are rooted in the mundane, in the temporary. It’s a struggle for male dominance, power, lust, and material satisfaction. They fight, they scheme, they manipulate. It’s the complete opposite of what the Inner Child stands for.

If you think steering clear of worldly desires means I'm holding back, you're way off! I’m not out here rejecting my Inner Child—my heart just marches to the beat of love, not drama.

So, no, you can’t drag me into desires I’ve already let go of, and no, my Inner Child isn’t deprived. It’s just on a different, and honestly, much more on a childish path.

So no, I don’t think you understand the Inner Child. If you did, you wouldn’t be playing these games.

If you can see the world through the eyes of a child ; then you can see magic in everything !
Looking forward to the Interaction !
