The Divine Light is a Call to Action !

This post feels like a riddle to me. 
I'm having trouble grasping the energy I'm putting out, so I'm unsure if my readers will connect with it either. It’s like there’s an unusual vibration surrounding me!

Occasionally God places reminders in my life.
Today, on Mary’s Feast Day, I’m particularly mindful of this. 
 As I reflect on this special occasion, I’m grateful for my school, St. Anne’s Convent—St. Mary’s School in Bangalore. 
St. Anne's Convent - St. Mary's School located in Bangalore where i completed my School.

Can you see the Light ?
In the quiet moments of reflection, as we sit bathed in the gentle glow of the divine light, may we be inspired to carry that light of compassion into our daily lives.

After studying in Christian Institution for 16 + years , I remember this Bible Verse!
"Go down to a Potter's house and you can hear my words/message there"

Welcome to Pottery Town - Bangalore India.
As you enter, you’ll notice a sign proudly displayed at the entrance. It reads, "Kumbhara Kelasa Devara Kelasa," which translates to "The Potter's Work is the Work of God." This reflects the deep connection between the art of pottery and divine craftsmanship.

The Lord is like a master potter, meticulously crafting and molding us according to His divine plan. He envisions the final form we are meant to take, and with patience and care, He shapes us to become the perfect vessels for His purpose. Each gentle touch is designed to prepare us to serve effectively in His grand design.

Can you Connect with me ?

As an artist, when I gaze upon a photograph, I could read its essence and discern its narrative. I can see the Failure ; I can see the Success; Even in the absence of a caption or explanation, the image speaks to me, revealing its context and story through its subtleties and the Intricate details.

Kiln for firing the clay artifact ;

Have you ever felt the sacred light within a church? It’s not merely illumination; it’s a divine glow that seems to bridge all our souls to the divine presence. This holy light carries an energy that touches our hearts deeply, lifting our spirits and forging a profound, spiritual connection with something far greater than ourselves.

Each beam of light that filters through the intricate designs of our stained glass tells a story of hope, mercy, and love. The colours blend seamlessly, symbolizing how compassion unites us, regardless of our differences. It reminds us that, much like the light, our acts of kindness and understanding can reach beyond boundaries and touch the lives of those in need.

The Divine Light could never put someone in darkness — it only seeks to guide and uplift.

Last year, I made the decision to block a couple on social media. At the time, their presence felt irrelevant, and I chose to protect my own energy.  It seemed like the right choice then, a way to keep my focus clear and my heart open to what truly mattered.

But recently, I found myself reflecting on the nature of that divine light and its message of openness and compassion. In that spirit, I decided to unblock the woman from that couple, though not the man. There was something within me that felt compelled to keep my doors open to her, to offer a gesture of goodwill and maintain a bridge of connection.

So, with a heart open to the guidance of that sacred glow, I choose to keep the door open for her. 
While energy is a precious currency and should not be squandered, what may seem irrelevant to me might hold significance for her.

#EnergyManagement #Mindfulness #Wellness

Let us remember that the divine light is not just a beautiful spectacle but a call to action. It invites us to reflect on our own capacity for compassion and to let it guide our interactions with others. Just as the light reveals the beauty of the church's architecture, compassion unveils the inherent worth and dignity in every person we encounter.
