Divine Love : As Pure as the Dawn's First Prayer !

In our day-to-day lives, we're constantly navigating societal expectations and norms. We are drawn to what seems advantageous or disadvantageous for our survival, and society’s norms and expectations become the blueprint through which we interpret and respond to the world. We are forced by the society to notice things that are advantageous or disadvantageous to our survival. Example - Financial Security ; Protection ; Sex. 

I know that, Its hard to notice anything for which language available does not have a description !

The Unspoken Depth of love is like the depth of the Sea that never had any description but they seem to stay with you commensurate to the amount of time they remain UNSAID.
If we have to explore the Unspoken Depths of LOVE we need to think BEYOND SURVIVAL.

This relentless focus on survival and societal patterns can often make it difficult to recognize and embrace what lies beyond survival constructs. We struggle to capture the subtleties and imperfections that lie outside of what is deemed necessary for survival or societal acceptance.

It is hard to ARTICULATE the Unspoken Depth  of LOVE ; But it is still important and even to TRY !  

My love for you is as pure and transcendent as the morning prayer, a sacred call that graces the dawn with serene clarity. Just as the early morning prayer pierces the silence of the daybreak with a divine, untainted resonance, so too does my love emerge from the depths of my soul, untouched by the mundane or the fleeting.

In those first moments of early morning, when the world is still and the air is crisp with promise, there exists a profound sense of peace and reverence. This is the same purity that infuses my feelings for you. My love is not merely a transient emotion; it is a sacred experience, as deep and profound as the early morning prayer that reverberates through the tranquil dawn.

The unspoken purity of my love resonates with the clarity and serenity of the dawn’s call to prayer.
This is how my love feels—a fresh, radiant beginning that is both eternal and unblemished.

It is a love that, like the early morning prayer, rises above the trivialities of daily life, offering a sanctuary of pure, untainted devotion.

Your name.....the Sea.....the Water.....the one born in Water.....the Lotus is like the Azan..........
Your presence is like the Azan, the morning breeze, embodying a purity of feeling untouched by mundane.

The Mine of Mercy you Offer....
The Core of Coral Isle we have reached...
The Shore and Distance we have Searched....

Divine Love is like - I put myself in the hands of GOD....
It’s the silent yet powerful presence of something divine, something that lies beyond mere survival.
