Dear Society !

Between 2017 and 2018, I frequently heard a man claim that his high revenue contributions to the company justified his entitlement to affection and sexual intimacy. His position, job title and achievements seemed to give him a sense of entitlement to love and sex.
It was this culture that somehow made me hate the leadership and organization culture.

Now, given this delightful organization culture , it wouldn’t surprise me if society started comparing me to a separated woman who recently got promoted to Senior Director, claiming she’s more “eligible” for relationship than I am.

The next significant development in my life might involve being professionally compared to that separated woman ; Although our Job Titles might be the same.

Dear Society - I want to INFORM you all about How I want to be TREATED !

Lets  not start comparing me to someone who’s had years of experience in the USA with her husband’s support, while I Sold my jewelry to move to Singapore ; Moved to Japan  survived on air without food  with an intention of buying a home in Bangalore. 

Seriously, it’s not a fair comparison! If you must compare, please pair her up with someone in a similar situation—married and then separated. 

I’m sharing this not to argue my own eligibility for love but to express that I don’t see myself as an object needing to demonstrate worthiness. For me, love and affection are fundamental rights, not commodities to be earned or validated.

After 6 years - Iam still trying to get over that Organization Culture where i dont FIT-IN.
But, for the love of all that’s humorous, don’t bring me into the scene to compare me with a married and separated woman !

And I  trust MY-SELF !
If you have the ability to LOVE ; Then Love YOUR-SELF first !
