Coir Rope (Kayar) that connects Man with Nature !

Kayar is a Novel written by Thakazhi Sivasankara Pillai; 
Kayar is a Malayalam word which translates to Coir Rope.
The novel explores the deep emotional bond that the people of Kuttanad share with nature, highlighting how coir rope serves as a tangible link between Man and Nature.

Thakazhi Sivasankara Pillai himself hails from Kuttandan Terrain - Alappuzha ; His notable novel Kayar is celebrated for its vivid portrayal of the life and landscape of Kuttanad, weaving together the human experience with the natural environment.
Ala translates to Depth ;  Ppuzha translates to River ;  Alappuzha translates to Deep River or River that is Deep.

Lets explore how Kayar became a connecting link between Man and Nature among the people of Kuttanadan Terrain.

The Coir Making Hub of Kerala  ; Kuttanadan - Alappuzha !

The Novel spanning over 1,000 pages, delves into the lives of the people in Kuttanadan across two centuries and multiple generations. 
Kuttanad is called as THE RICE BOWL OF KERALA ; is situated at an elevation of −2.7 meters (−8.9 feet) below sea level. Alappuzha alone encompasses approximately 57% of the Kuttanadan terrain.
A house boat made of Kayar !
Coir rope serving as a poignant symbol of Man-Nature Connection !

Coir Rope used for Climbing Tree !

Both my Parents hail from Karthikapally  (located in the Haripad region of Alappuzha) is a Kuttanadan Terrain ; 
Fishing ; Agriculture and Coir Factories are the main occupation of the local people.

Karthikapally has many Banks (Sea Banks).
Bank is called Kara or Gara and each Bank has a name.
My mother hails from Puthukkundam Kara in Karthikapally; and 
My Father hail from Mottom Kara in Karthikapally, 
We will discuss Mottom Kara in coming weeks and today lets focus on Puthukkundam Kara.

Kayar serves as a lifeline, bridging the connection between Man and Nature. 
In Kuttanad, every home keeps Kayar as an essential item for protection and resilience against Natural forces like flood and storm.

The Grand Aswathy Festival of Karthikapally requires every bank to build chariots and pull it to the Valiyakulangara Devi Temple. 
The picture itself is an evidence of how important is Kayar in our lives.
Kayar represents FAITH
Kayar represents TRUST 
Kayar represents RESILIENCE
Kayar represents CHARACTER 

To the right, is my maternal grandfather's home. You will not be able to see my grand father's home in this picture. There are few more pictures and videos below.
I’m a member of a social media group for people from this Bank, from where I gather and collect photos to stay connected with my native place.

During my 2019 Alappuzha Trip !
I joined in for a while to pull the chariot to seek blessings from Goddess Bhadrakali.

Picture clicked by me in 2019.

Kayar is not only kept inside the home ; it is also hanged on trees for emergencies for protection against Natural forces like flood and storm when you are away from home.

The largest chariot of Karthikapally is built in my family premises due to large vacant space.
Onto the left is my Grand Father's Home and right behind that is my property !
Every year the pictures are uploaded on social media and i collect these photos from the group and some are sent to me by my relatives.

In this video, you’ll see the chariot being transported and pulled from my maternal grandfather's home to Valiyakulangara  Devi Temple. You’ll also catch a glimpse of my grandfather's house (in between the trees) in the first 8 seconds of the video ; my property is just behind my Grand Father's Home. 

The dialogue  in the video translates to: "Hey, this is the most beautiful chariot—don’t get confused!"

On YouTube and Facebook, several groups created by Puthukkundam Kara offer a chance to see a glimpse of my home in Kerala.
Yes we are socially very active and no other state is so active like Kerala on Social Media.

There's something profoundly moving about the joy captured on this man's face from Karthikapally -Puthukundam Kara ; It’s a reminder that JOY often emerges when we let go of material desires and embrace the simplicity of life.

Coir,  a humble material, plays a vital role in our lives in so many ways. It is crafted into fish nets that provide sustenance, boats that carry us across waters, and tools that aid in farming. 

Kayar has a very important role to play in the life of any Coastal dweller.
Kayar - Most poignantly, becomes a lifeline during floods, a steadfast presence in every home that helps us weather the storm. Its significance reaches beyond utility, embodying resilience and hope in the face of adversity.

Infact Kayar is also offered to God in temples as a symbol of resilience.
So next time you visit a temple in Kuttanad - You can carry a Kayar with you. 

Revered as one of the most significant works in Malayalam literature, this novel has earned numerous prestigious literary accolades, including the Jnanpith Award.

A glimpse of Puthukkundam Kara can be seen in this video which is the place where my mother grew up ; the place where i was Born. 
Description from the Video : The people of this bank will always maintain their TRUST and FAITH in GOD. Kayar bridges the connection between man and nature, embodying TRUST and FAITH. 
Kayar symbolizes CHARACTER.

There is a COIR ROPE to weather the storm.

Now lets charge the Currency called Energy !
Kuttanadan Energy ; 
This song is filmed in Kuttanadan Terrain -  Alappuzha.
