The Man of Benevolence !

 The Man of Benevolence = The Man who gives without expecting anything in return !

After returning to India in 2015, I've noticed that many men (specially north indian) tend to objectify women, to validate and affirm their masculinity.
In 2018 - What struck me was being denied the right to equal opportunity, as even this RIGHT came with expectations. 

In a world where men seek to barter and bargain even over women's rights, let me introduce you to the Man of Benevolence – The one who sacrificed his own rights for the sake of others.

Lord Karna - The son of SUN !
Story Teller : K for Karan !

I fully respect the masculinity of a Man and I also agree that Bat is not a TOY and it is the WEAPON to any Man. Higher the Bat Power ; Higher the Negotiation Power ; Higher the Success Rate !

However ;  In my Mind (Kurukshetra), the battle (Mahabharata) fought in the depths of my consciousness, my inner masculine (Lord Karna) chose to experience defeat and failure.
He was NOT a Man of Success !

As a woman ; Iam always connected to my Instinctual Feminine Energy that is aligned with the rhythm of Lunar Cycles. The BALANCE exist within. There is an inner masculine (represented by my father) who without any expectations selflessly relinquished the legal rights of his property to his stepmother who abandoned him.
If you achieve INNER BALANCE then OUTSIDE BALANCE will happen by your CHOICE !
If you do not achieve INNER BALANCE  ;  OUTSIDE BALANCE will be a COMPULSION !

While I respect those who believe in giving with expectations, My Choice is Story Teller and that is something I won't compromise on. This doesn't mean I will engage in conflict for a perfect reflection of my inner masculine. What is mine will come to me without FORCE !

My Inner Masculine = My Father = Story Teller !
Trust and Faith comes from the SELF !

Each one of us are Governed by the NATURE OF OUR OWN SELF !
This is called LAW OF NATURE !

And here is the difference between the ; 
Bull (Mahisha) and the Man (Lord Karna).

When one prioritizes SUCCESS  over the fundamental principles of NATURE (core values), Mother Earth (NATURE) will inevitably compel him/her  to experience setbacks and failures. 
