Embracing the Feminine !

If a woman cannot respect her body,  then men will not respect either.

“Feminine sexuality is the antidote to a profit-driven, shame-based patriarchy that robs women  of basic humanity,” explains author and teacher Kimberly Ann Johnson.


In Reclaiming the Feminine, Johnson draws from a wealth of disciplines to help women claim their inner authority and become more effective at addressing these harmful and outdated power dynamics in the world.

Feminine sexuality is empowering—it thrives when she holds the reins herself. A woman's true power lies in her ability to autonomously control and celebrate her own sexuality. 

If she feels disconnected from this power, it's often because she lacks control over it.

Embracing your sexual power as a woman is incredibly fulfilling! It is not sex—this is about fully embracing your innate sexiness, and the  female form and energy.

The throne of  Feminine Power resides in her Sexual Nature.

Men consistently oppress women by portraying her sexual nature as INFERIOR using LANGUAGE.
Hélène Cixous, posits that women's marginalization stems from the pervasive influence of "phallogocentric" thinking and hence women should write her BODY. 

Men obscure women from view by veiling them through language often separating their head from the body.  "Veiled" typically means obscured or hidden from view, usually it is the BODY that is veiled.
Hélène Cixous argues that Perseus's decapitation of Medusa symbolizes men's efforts to silence women and undermine their capacity for expression ;  (mainly sexual expression).

Cixous aimed to establish a genre of literary writing that diverges from traditional masculine literary conventions  and it is called as Écriture féminine.

Cixous introduced Isidore Isou = Hidden Signifier = That word which the masculine has veiled.
This was introduced in her essay : The laugh of the Medusa.
Isidore Isou termed the "hidden signifier" in language  conveys the ineffable and transcends the limitations of structuralist language. 
This approach integrates sexuality with communication, challenging established norms and fostering a more INCLUSIVE narrative.

Women should embrace her BODY and her SEXUALITY !

The Laugh of the Medusa is an excellent example to explain this.
Head is Cut and the Body of the Medusa is under the FEET of the Masculine !

Our sexuality represents the profound connection between our spiritual essence and our physical existence, serving as a bridge that harmonizes our soul's journey with our earthly experience.

Iam a Blood with FLESH ; My body  and my expressions are not an OBJECT to be NEGOTIATED with.

My sexuality is not a cheap and degraded trait that needs to be severed from my mind. 

Iam a Virgin I have never had Sex ; But i have had Multiple Heart Breaks !
My experience after being EVICTED as an OUTCAST resonate with this song !
The emotional wounds from these rejections have been deep and numerous.
In those moments of loneliness and sorrow, there’s a song that had become my refuge. Its lyrics and melody have resonated with my feelings of isolation and my struggle to connect with a world that seems fearful or unwilling to embrace me !

The feelings after being evicted as an OUTCAST is Deep !

Story Teller !
