Vulnerability (DARE TO BE) - Part 1

Hello to everyone reading this post! 
Are you DARE to be VULNERABLE ?

Today's Topic is :  Which is the best approach for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) ?
Protection Centric Approach or Equality Centric Approach ? 
Which one would you advocate for? 
Personally, I advocate for Equality, but my experience between 2015 and 2019 has shown me that many organizations seem to lean towards a Protection-Centric Approach when it comes to DEI.

Why are organizations leaning towards Protection Centric Approach ?
At work when faced with Vulnerability, Women lean towards Protection from Men rather than expressing her Vulnerability.

So, I decided to stir the pot a bit and made a cheeky comment about a DEI woman being protected by the CPO and Testing. 
Lo and behold.........
The response I got was exactly what I expected—a new man (story teller) being added to her protection squad!
I couldn't help but burst into laughter as I sauntered into the kitchen.

Hey Story Teller.....The Protection Squad of the DEI... An Ice Cream for you !

Sleeping with ten different men and then portraying it as an act of courage, claiming to learn from mistakes, is just a way to stroke your ego. It is not WOMEN EMPOWERMENT.

Self Defense and Self Protection does not come by sleeping with 10 different men, it comes from within yourself. The power is within.

By the way - I chose to remain a Virgin not out of fear of forming a wrong relationship, but because I believe in sharing my mind, body and soul with my soulmate. No one else is entitled to this intimate part of me and this decision is my personal choice ! It has nothing to do with COURAGE.

Vulnerability is the key to WOMEN EMPOWERMENT and it is the ULTIMATE ACT OF COURAGE.
Vulnerability teaches you SELF-DEFENSE.

Iam not belittling women who seek protection from men which comes as a result of traumatic experiences in life. I completely respect the choices of these women (skin with a storm) who vouch for protection centric approach !

However....But.... Wait a Minute...Wait a second......

My father passed away in 2008, But I never felt like an orphan. However, in March 2018, a career decision was made for me without my involvement or consent. Certain individuals assumed a guardianship role over my professional life with a guarantee of PROTECTION without consulting me, which ironically left me feeling even more isolated, akin to being treated like an orphan. Consequently, I opted for EXCLUSION !

The belief that women, particularly in the context of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) , primarily need protection is a limited perspective. This can reinforce stereotypes and maintain power imbalances. 

For me when some one comes with a protection package it makes me feel  - Do you think that iam an Orphan ?

Iam not belittling orphans, my father believed in SELF-DEFENSE.

I Vouch for Equality Centric Approach !

Vulnerability is the key to Equality Centric Approach !

Equality Centric Approach highlights the need for flexibility in the career path, including the ability to change roles or positions within an organization or chose your own career path autonomously.

Equality = Having a Seat at the Table for participation in the decision making process ;

To SELF-PROTECT herself woman should learn how to express Vulnerability. 
A women will continue to seek protection from men until the time she embraces VULNERABILITY.


Ensuring that a DEI has full control over her professional journey is Equality Centric Approach.  
This reflects the need for fulfillment and passion at work. 
I vouch for EQUALTIY CENTRIC APPROACH and Vulnerability is the key to Equality Centric Approach.

You must become VULNERABLE if you want to SELF-PROTECT yourself !

Vulnerability is on my face !

Story Teller : I dont need a PROTECTION SQUAD - Now or at any point in life.
I believe in Self-Defense and Self-Protection !
