Le Rire de la Méduse - Part 1

Head Cut and Body under FEET !
My Dear female followers - Have you ever experienced this ?

The Laugh of the Medusa is an essay written by Hélène Cixous, the Jewish-Algerian-French writer.

Medusa !

'The Laugh of the Medusa' opens with an exhortation to women “to write herself”.

She had been forcibly separated from her body and now it is up to her to reclaim the body that is her own and free herself from the shackles of patriarchy through WRITING.

Lines picked from the Essay :

Cixous argues that women are suppressed by language, and held back by their bodies in their own right, and in order for women to break free of these barriers they need to communicate through their body, and ‘must write her self: must write about women and bring women to writing, from which they have been driven away as violently as from their bodies’. 

#Growthmindset is an incomplete word ; 
#openmindedness is an incomplete word ;
#successmindset is an incomplete word ;
#impostersyndrome is an incomplete word ;
You have removed  something very important from there : #sexual freedom 

Sexual Freedom is a CHOICE to say NO !

My Mind and My Body  both belong to me !
You are not allowed to separate the body of a woman from her mind ! 

Is it #growthmindset with sexual freedom or #growthmindset without sexual freedom ? 
Is it #successmindset with sexual freedom or #successmindset without sexual freedom ? 
Is it #openmindedness with sexual freedom or #openmindedness without sexual freedom ? 
Is it #Impostersyndrome with sexual freedom or #Impostersyndrome without sexual freedom ? 

You must be clear !
Without a clear communication ; MEN have no right to abuse a woman as not having a  #growthmindset or a #successmindset !  

Story Teller : 
Can you clear that abuse called no #growthmindset by completing the sentence !
Reply =  #growthmindset #openmindedness #sexualfreedom 
I want my BODY to be heard not just my MIND !
You cannot separate my body from my mind !

Next time before you cut the head of Medusa from her body ; understand that her GAZE is enough to  KILL YOU !
I own my  BODY ; It belongs to MY-SELF !
