Tat-Tvam-Asi ; The feeling of Accomplishment !

All these years life for me was based on a MORAL COMPASS that revolves around no harm for others yet having a good standard of living.
I spent my childhood meeting the demands of my soul - Painting / Sketching and Writing.
As i grew up ; I started spending more time meeting the SURFACE DEMANDS OF MIND AND BODY. 
Today a lot of people are stressed out because they are focusing  more on the SURFACE DEMANDS of MIND. Most of the time you are not even driven by the demands of mind but you are driven by the demand set by OTHERS-SOCIETY.

I encountered with a set of biologically less evolved people in the recent past. Many people wanted me to TAKE A NEW JOB. I decided  not be driven by the demand of others.

Dance was chasing me for many years. It was a NATURAL INSTINCT.
My soul was FORCING me to re-start PAINTING and SKETCHING and spend more time in WRITING.
In Jan/Feb 2019 ; I enrolled myself at Annamalai university of Music for BHARATANATYAM GRADE CERTIFICATION course starting 2018 Aug/Sept. I lost the first 6 months of theory class however i scored 71% marks in Theory exam.

A lot of people dont understand that INTUITION is a NATURAL WISDOM which we all have to maximize the potential for HAPPINESS in life.
Rather than detaching myself from Intuition i decided to detach myself from material wealth for 2 years. It was a CONSCIOUS DECISION to listen to my NATURAL INSTINCT.

At the age of 8 i hiked Sabarimala hill to experience  "TAT-TVAM-ASI".
"TAT-TVAM-ASI" written on the Sanctum Sanctorum of Sabarimala Temple.

The whole of last 2 years starting Nov 2019 was very similar to HIKING SABARIMALA HILL.
The whole of last 2 years starting Nov 2019 meant DETACHING MYSELF FROM MATERIAL WEALTH.
And of course the last 2 Years was very much a "Brahmacharya Period" and the taking of holy 18 steps.

The Brahmacharya Pose of Lord Ayappa also called Ardhasana Yoga Pose.
Sex is the root cause of ALL DESIRES. The biologically less evolved people will  first desire for sex (stage - 1) and after fulfilling sexual desires ; in the next level (stage - 2)  they desire for money and power. You cannot EXPECT a man who is behind money and power to respect woman because they are already in the stage 2 of materialism. I encountered with 2 people - one was in stage 1 and another was in stage 2.

The Brahmacharya Pose ! The best period of my life !
Throughout my adult life and even now iam living a Brahmacharya life ; however today i understood the reason behind this celibacy period ; It was meant to reach a goal called "Tat-Tvam-Asi" about which only my soul was aware of.

What is UNATTAINABLE to the ones who can maintain CELIBACY.

The soul is the core of our being ; We cannot gain TRUE HAPPINESS by SUPPRESSING THE NEEDS OF THE SOUL.
Once the soul is able to connect with DIVINE INTELLIGENCE you can gain TRUE HAPPINESS.
The surface demand of mind seems to be TOO SMALL NOW.

I completed my Bharatanatyam Practical Exams today. 
That sense of ACCOMPLISHMENT can sustain and generate the energy needed to convert the IMPOSSIBLE TO POSSIBLE.
With the blessings of Lord Ayappa i was able to experience Tat-Tvam-Asi and Natya Veda provided me the direction towards Tat-Tvam-Asi.

You are what you seek !

The sense of accomplishment comes only when you meet the demands of the soul.
Meeting the surface demands of mind will not give you a sense of accomplishment.
Similarly once you are capable of meeting the needs of the soul - The surface demands of the mind looks too small to handle. Example : The temporary financial crisis which i have been going through seems to be TOO SMALL  now and iam very sure that i will be able to get out of this FINANCIAL TRAP without having to sell my property in Bangalore or Kerala.

The wait is OVER ! 
Iam all set to get back to MATERIAL LIFE to meet the surface demand of mind. A Job and a Wedding is what is on my Mind !
