Lets explore the Vitruvian Man.
Vitruvian Man = A perfectly proportionate HUMAN BODY.
The art work of Leonardo Da Vinci.
Da Vinci's Vitruvian man inscribes 2 shapes for Human as seen below.
1. The shape of a man inside the circle is SPIRITUAL REALM, the shape of a Man inside
the circle is considered to be the perfect shape of all shapes.
Universe (Macrocosm) is Spiral in nature, hence man who is a microcosm(particle) of a
large macrocosm should also be Spiral in Nature is the Mathematical Hypothesis behind this
2. The shape of a Man inside the square
is MATERIAL REALM. There are only 4 directions
in the square and we can take any shape inside the square.
To make the Material Realm = Spiritual Realm we need to equate;
Area of the square (side * side) = Surface area of the circle (Pi*R^2)
Pi will capture the Spiral shape of the circle.
Pi appears everywhere. The Pi ratio can be used
to explain Spiral Patterns.
A rose showing its petals spiraling into center can be calculated using Pi Ratio.
describes waves, such as ripples of light and sound.
Pi is the golden mean which occurs everywhere in nature starting from flower patterns to
tsunami whirls to stock market patterns.
Have i lost you yet?
Actually iam lost.
Pi cannot be expressed in terms of ratio of 2 whole numbers; it is a number that has INFINITE number of Decimal places. Computer scientists have calculated billions of digits of Pi, starting with 3.14159265358979323…, but because no recognizable pattern emerges in the succession of its digits, we could continue calculating the next digit, and the next, and the next, and the next and the next for millennia.
Have i lost you yet?
And we'd still have no idea which digit might emerge next?
The digits of Pi continue their senseless
procession all the way to INFINITY.
Have i lost you yet?
Actually iam lost.
The best approximation of Pi = 339/108.
The vedas and upanishads speaks about 108 as a Divine Number.
The diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Earth;
The average distance of the Sun and the Moon to Earth is 108 times their
respective diameters;
Mathematicians from the Vedic tradition came to view 108 as the number
representing the
wholeness of existence;
There are many ways to move from the shape of the square to the spiral shape:
1. Yoga
2. Bharatanatyam
3. Martial Arts
Practicing the 108 Yoga Poses which are also Bharatanatyam Poses which are also Martial Arts Poses that are sculpted in Lord Nataraja Thillai Temple located in Tamil Nadu can help you move your shape from SQUARE TO CIRCLE.
A whole lot of people In-spite of doing all these activities are unable to move to spiral
shape and become spiritual - this is because these poses will only prepare your body to
explore Physical Potential, actual enlightenment happens only after you explore
EMOTIONAL POTENTIAL - experience NAVARASA in real life.
Nobody wants to explore emotional potential, they are stuck with MAYA - ILLUSION.
Machines are coming, there is Artificial Intelligence!
Some people are investing all their time trying to BECOME A MACHINE!
Lol.. are you saying that EVOLUTION is the result of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE!
You cant be more stupid!
Look iam not a STUPID! Iam very Intelligent!
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is the result of EVOLUTION OF MAN.
Rather than trying to become the best version of a MACHINE, I advise you all to become
the best version of yourself.
All that i got was a TITLE - BECHARI for staying back in the office until 2am to complete my work.
Lessons Learnt!