I can't Breathe! Power and Privilege.

Clanging in my head , I just can't get that quote out of my Brain.
Ability to BREATHE is a luxury amid pandemic.

What about this?

"I CAN’T BREATHE" - Human Rights lost!
Iam on my knees trying to stop you from Inhaling that AIR BUBBLE.
Yes it is happening in the country that dictates what is right and wrong to the world. I reiterate that United States is a country which has witnessed only Evolution of Economics and has never witnessed Evolution of Mankind till date. The current crisis that is happening in the US is the proof of what iam claiming here.

Iam not Anti – Police but yes iam against POWER ABUSE.
We must aim to treat all people equally – with dignity, with respect and with humanity.

Let every breathe we take commit to bring CHANGE and to create and more JUST WORLD for everyone.

“Privilege is when you think something is'nt a problem because it’s not a problem to you personally”.

So what is a Privileged Status?
Privileged Status is your “Right to either 
1.Chose to Raise your voice against discrimination or 
2.Chose to Keep Silent and neither be a part of problem nor be a part of solution".

The time has COME!

Silence is betrayal,
Silence will not being CHANGE,
Silence is Violence,
Silence is promoting Illusion and Unreality.

So, What PRIVILEGE looks like in our Daily Life?
I am not talking about the privileges of wealth, education or job opportunities. I'm talking about fundamental human and civil rights and the dignity and respect that come with them.
In one way or another, privilege shows up in the daily details of people’s lives in almost every social setting.

It starts at HOME! POWER ABUSE that is happening due to GENDER DISCRIMINATION.
MOTHERS have a privileged status here.
Particularly common in North India, Silence is the choice adopted by Mothers.

The question today to each and every one of you is - How to ENGAGE a MOTHER who is the KEY PERSON at home to promote EQUITY?
Think about it! 

Privilege is rooted in organizations as much as it is rooted in people’s personalities and Families.
Example : At an organization there is  discrimination based on PERSONAL BIAS, you assign 200 resources and  200 licenses to someone you LOVE.
We don’t need story boarding skills because qlik can do story boarding and ideation, what we need is CODING SKILLS – then why do you steal other’s IP?

Issues of conferred dominance.

We don’t need human consulting anymore because Tableau can do consultation. Then why do you make others sit until 1am to do presentations and later blocking their access to G DRIVE and let their BELOVED have and use all those presentations?

Issues of Unearned Advantage or Entitlement, used to one's own benefit or to the detriment of others.

Here in this case the HR has a Privileged status.
But like large number of people HR usually sit on sidelines and see themselves neither as a apart of PROBLEM nor as a part of SOLUTION.
SILENCE will not bring CHANGE.
A Silent status is what keeps the LOPSIDED DISTRIBUTION OF POWER KEEP GOING.

The question today to each and every one of you is - How can you force HR System to bring CHANGE?
Think about it.

Finally - It starts in the country with RACIAL DISCRIMINATION and RELIGION DISPUTES.
Remember that each and every one of you are Privileged. You have the right to make a CHOICE.
But if you chose to keep silent because it is not having an impact on you – you will be in the state of UNREALITY and promote ILLUSION.
By keeping quiet you actually promote the LOPSIDED Distribution of Power and promoting racial discrimination.

What is common among all the cases is the MOTIVE BEHIND SUCH ACTION:


Stop living in ILLUSIONARY World and start seeing things AS THEY REALLY ARE.
WHITE POWER over BLACK. Mindless brutality against non-white suspects.
Those who will not submit will be subdued. Knee on neck. Proverbially, speaking. 

The question today to each and every one of you is - How you can you empower the OPRESSED?
Think about it.

How can a 14 year old Veteran Bencher with 7 years of IP Stealing expertise become a LEADER?
See things as they really are!

I encourage each and every one of you to reflect on the privileges you have, and the privileges you don’t have. Extend this conversation to your friends and family members and peers of your organization to build a world that is focused on equality and fairness.
While utilizing your privileged status – try not to choose silence. Don’t promote ILLUSION and UNREALITY by keeping SILENT.


Yes, learn to look at things as they ARE.

TRY TO BECOME A PART OF SOLUTION and don’t take Sidelines.
Imagine for something better and plant the seeds of CHANGE within yourself FIRST.

Are you privileged to be INDEPENDENT or do you want to be ruled by POWER?
If you can BREATHE then you are privileged,
Let every breathe we take commit to bring CHANGE.
I want each and every one of you to start seeing things as THEY REALLY ARE.

Today on this WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY,  I introduce you all to an “AN INVISIBLE TRUE ENVIRONMENT WARRIOR”- “RAG PICKER”. They collect Recyclable waste and garbage dump. They find petty business as mode of survival in urban streets. 
Take a look at this Video.
What do you think about him?
Most of you might think that he is UNPRIVILEGED struggling to meet his NEEDS.

But he is singing about - "Olithu Madu Manushya" means "THE JOY OF GIVING"
How can a man who is unprivileged talk about the JOY OF GIVING?
In the song he claims that :
 “Power and Wealth is of no use”
“After you die you don’t know where THEY (Don’t know who) is going to Bury you or Cremate you?”

Tell me how much privileged are you in comparison with this Rag Picker?
90% of you are Silent against -
Gender Discrimination at Home
Sexual Harassment at Office or
Racial Discrimination in your Country?
Do you know why you are silent?
Because you are RULED by POWER. You are a SLAVE of POWER.

Pls don’t talk about Job, education, salary, family, occupation etc.
Iam talking about the BASIC PRIVILEGE - The Privilege of Raising your VOICE against Injustice.
Most of you are POORER that this RAG PICKER SEEN IN THE SONG because he is not the SLAVE of POWER and he knows how to RAISE HIS VOICE AGAINST INJUSTICE.

The Underprivileged are the ones who are SILENT.

The question to each and every one of you is – “What are you capable of GIVING when you don’t even have the BASIC PRIVILEGE OF OPENING YOUR MOUTH”?
Think about it.

The current world population is 7.8 billion as of June2020
If you have not yet started counting then please start counting with all your POWER and with all your WEALTH how many people will you be able to BUY?
I guarantee you LIKE A MAGNET I will INFLUENCE all 7.8 Billion people because my CHOICES in life are ruled by LOVE and not by POWER. 
LOVE is the PURPOSE of my LIFE.
