Balancing on Feet! Hari Hara Asanam!

Welcome back and my MA Economics exams are postponed to Jan last week.
Today Lets explore - "Balancing on Feet".

Yoga Pada-Asanam  of Lord Ayappa.
Lord Ayappa is always seen balancing on Foot!

This Yoga Asanam  is popularly called as = HariHara Asanam as it is believed that Lord Ayappa is the son of Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu.
This yoga pose is called Harivara - Asanam in short in Malayalam.

It is called Yoga Pada-Asanam or Ardha - Asanam.
This Yoga Asanam is about balancing on foot.

Lord Ayappa is - "The combined energies of Lord Shiva and MahaVishnu".
Lord Vishnu Performed a dance called Mohiniyattam during their union.
Mohiniyattam is one of the popular classical dance forms of India which is the invention of Mohini- the feminine avatar of Lord Vishnu (according to Natya Veda).
Mohiniyattam became one of the famous classical dance forms of Kerala.

Mohiniyattam is the dance based on one single expression romance (SRNGARA)  - unlike Bharatanatyam that covers all 9 expressions shown below.

The combined energies of Lord Shiva and MahaVishnu.

Lord Ayappa's  right hand is showing Chin Mudra also called as Gyana Mudra.
The three open fingers represents that " Iam free from the 3 blemishes of the world -  Ego, Lust and Pride".
The release of Ego , Lust and Pride is the symbol of FEARLESSNESS.

While the Index finger represents you (Your soul) and thumb represents Brahman (Universal consciousness).
The gentle touch of the 2 fingers indicates  Tatvamasi - the coming together of micro and macro cosmos.
So Lord Ayappa is showing Tatvamasi using this mudra called Chin Mudra.

The left hand rests on knees pointing to feet.
It represents consciousness - silent static witness means  - "You have come into the world to experience LOVE  (GOD) in the form of a matter called BODY , but you are simply identifying yourself with your BODY and fighting for survival - money , power , ego , positions , title etc. In the process you have forgotten how to love people".
Static witness means God is witnessing everything.

You have to give up your body to merge with this supreme consciousness in order to become a supreme reality. This is exactly the reason why sabarimala pilgrims first break the coconut  (representing body) and drain the coconut water out (drain ego , pride and lust) and fill the broken coconut with Ghee (soul) and then carry the coconut on your head uphill bare foot and then put the coconut to fire and carry only the ghee for Abhishekam to unite your soul with the pure consciousness to become a supreme reality.
Tat -Tvam - Asi is the supreme reality means - "Iam inside you"

The sitting posture represents the Supreme Reality.
Feet represents Vedic Principles on which the whole body is balancing.
Your balance depends upon the Vedic principles on which you are sitting or standing.

The posture enables free flow of kundalini shakti through the 7 chakras.
As i had informed you all in one of my earlier post that there are 7 energy chakras in our body according to the Vedas.

This Sitting posture can activate all energy chakras at the same time because it is  combined energy of Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu.

It is advised that a Sabarimala pilgrim should visit each of the below Ayappa temples before heading to Sabarimala.
Except the first temple  (from below) that is dedicated to Root Chakra - Mooladhara which is  located in the present day Tamil Nadu the rest of the 6 temples are located in Kerala.

If you cannot visit these temples , you can simply sing the below musical notes  to activate your energy.
Natya Veda was created for people who were not able to understand the first 4 Vedas - it is believed that music and dance was the easiest way to help mankind experience the energy field.

Sa – raises energy at mooladara chakra (Energy of Survival)
Ri –  svadhishthana chakra (Energy of Reproduction) 
Ga – manipura chakra, (Energy of Power and Mastery) 
Ma –  anahata chakra, (Energy of Love) 
Pa – vishuddha chakra,(Energy of Creativity) 
Dha –  ajna chakra,(Energy of Intelligence and wisdom) 
Ni – sahasrara chakra,(Energy of Spiritual and Divine wisdom)

Music and Dance is the expression of the Vedas.

So if music can activate the energy field around you , then why not listen to some music to activate your energy field?

Nrityam Madhuram , Satyam Madhuram!
