The little mermaid!

"She is a siren calling us from our unconscious hoping that we will hear her voice"

"The little mermaid" is a metaphor of women's situation in patriarchy.

The writers have  presented Ariel  (the little mermaid) as an Unconscious that exist in every female.

1. A beautiful mermaid who in a patriarchal society where female species  are asked to cover their hair , she leaves her hair tossed , she loves freedom.

2. A courageous mermaid having a lot of dreams about the kind of life she want to live irrespective of what others think about her , she is independent . 

3. Ariel is a representation of sexual Freedom , she is a beautiful mermaid who is search of a divine partner who was not her savior neither her mentor but was equal to her , something that women are barely able to even imagine today.

4. Ariel was being made fun of about her desire to become a Human , but she is untamable.

5. Ariel has dreams like she loves to walk like humans, sing and dance like humans. She lets her unconscious lead the way and being just REAL was a vacation to her soul.

Both Ariel's father who was very patriarchal and the sea witch tried to devalue Ariel .
The ultimate desires of Ariel  was devalued  , she was being made fun of her dreams , she was being teased of her sexual desires , her goals were being made fun of.

The little mermaid in a way represents the condition of women in patriarchal society.
The best example is no matter how much of education and degrees you possess , its hard for women to get a chance to grow in her career unless she buy into the lies of man and agree with him - Its a patriarchal society.
In addition in India domestic violence and rape cases are very high specially in the northern part of India.
Women should change the way they represent themselves in the society, they should understand that just like how  the ultimate desires and dreams lie in the unconscious , the worst and best of a man is in his unconscious and not in the projected image of his conscious.

The best thing about "The little mermaid " is that Ariel finally fulfills her dream of being on human land.
