Day 2 : Incredible Odisha - Kutia Kondh Tribes

Lets meet the builders of Indus Valley Civilization - Kutia Kondh Tribes.

Let’s immerse ourselves in the tribal life of Incredible India.
What comes to your mind when you think of a Tribe? 
Have you ever imagined  or linked Tribes with Tattoos ?  If no then lets meet some of the most fascinating and colourful tribes of India who are famous of Tattoos.

A tattooed female who belong to Kutia Kondh Family

She cried when i met her without speaking any word.

Tattoos have been in India since ancient times, designs painstakingly inked on hands and faces.
The woman of Orissa Kondh tribe in India tattoo their hands and faces , it is  believed that by doing this, when they die, their spirits will be able to recognize each other.
The history of tattoos in India is very old. It’s a little difficult to figure out the exact reasons for tattoo.
Some say that these tribes are spiritual in nature and these tattoos will help them identify each other in spirit world.

The tour guide had a different story to tell about Tattoos

Dressing style of Kutia Kondh

Earrings ,

The tourist guide informed me that it is not the spirit, but the King of Kutia Kondh tribe has the right to have sex with every female in his village immediately as soon as she attains puberty. Once after the incident, female is tattooed on hands and face so that everybody would know that the king does not want her anymore.So this explains the patriarchal society of India.

Kutia Kondh dwell right in the middle of forest .

They dwell on the top of the hills. Agriculture – Rice, wheat , turmeric , ginger and mustard is the main occupation. They also own cattle’s and goats. They also are famous for fruit production.

Kutia  Kondhs are mostly seen in Baliguda subdivision of Phulbani district in the state of Orissa.
The word Kutia means one who breaks or smashes. Also sometimes it  means Hole.
They break the skulls of animals when they killed them for food.

I was afraid from where an arrow would come and pierce my heart.

 They build their homes mostly with wood

Mud on top of wood

Rice storage system inside their house.

They are extremely different from the modern urban people.
They raised an eyebrow with a smile as I passed, even after millennial of civilization we don’t greet people with smile or act pleasant and hospitable. Civilization with no values.

Proof of patriarchy in India.
Old customs remains a mystery sometimes.

We are still humankind trying to seek dominance divided into tribes in a way they did 1000 plus years ago
This tribal thinking (Patriarchal thinking) is something which we carry even today, iam sure most of you must have either experienced this in their office or in college or in your neighborhood; this is a typical tribal thinking and patriarchal thing which India should discontinue.

Patriarchy = A man who believes that a woman who belong to his college, or his neighborhood or his team has no rights to smile at any man outside of their tribe. This tribal history has created disasters in history, damaging woman’s growth and development status and respect in the society and continues even today.

Let’s take a recent example of  Nirbhaya's case :

Rapists were punished but if most of you remember what the rapist told in the court was shocking –“Rapes happen every day in our area but I don’t know why iam being punished for the same”
People have accepted patriarchy as a culture , tribal thinking still continues 

We compete with one other for dominance, survival, reproduction, some of them are hardwired to be tribal and form groups for survival.

But this false supremacy is the proof of hidden inferiority.
Men who are inferior engage in this kind of activity.

Women are made to believe that thoughts related to self interest is the only truth and very naturally survival is the component of self-interest.
The fact is that in the history men and women have never been able to survive , hence they form groups or accept things as truth which are related to survival component.

We are all still after survival and no different from these tribes.

She took money from me .

On the contrary the tribal’s no longer follow this culture, they are out of this system, the younger generations of these tribes do not tattoo although they still have a king among them, and the practice is not followed any more.

But the modern society follow this , the whole objective of offering 90% discount on education to the schedule tribes is  going  waste as they don’t want to change their tribal thinking.
Iam not trying to belittle SC and ST's here , some of the people from the so called upper castes also follow group survival strategy , what does group survival strategy indicates?
It explains  a - Hidden Inferiority or Weakness

They speak Kui - a Dravidian language which is very different from Indo Aryan language –Oriya 

The hilltops and their associated forests are regarded as supreme deities

Their festivals include - "Darni Penu " , sacrifice of Buffalo to Earth Goddess .
The place where they sacrifice Buffalo.

The undefined beauty of tribal life always fascinated me; it was one of my dream to meet them.
My dream has become a success

I can live here forever if that was possible

The one in the middle wearing Jeans is my Guide with his family members

Your vibe attracts your tribe.

I was invited to so many homes - loved their greetings and hospitality.

An adventure of lifetime.
Lush green valleys , forested hills and the sunset

Civilization thinking and Values are much higher than Survival / Tribal thinking
It is not necessary that everybody should accept anything related to self interest and survival as - TRUTH.

Iam not a TRIBE , what about you?

A glimpse of my next post on Dongria or Dangaria tribe
A glimpse as if you are back in 10000 years ago in the era of Indus Valley Civiization.
Dangaria tribes are famous for crafts and art
