Day 1 : Incredible Odisha - Desia Kondh Tribes!

I have seen tribes in movies and news but to meet them in real was a dream to me.
In India there are vast number of tribal’s but the ones which have preserved the age old customs and traditions are found in Odisha, Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh

The most primitive tribes of India are Bonda Tribes and Kondh tribes both are found in the state of Odisha 

My 5 day Tribe trip to explore India's original people and their ancient ways of living
And i will be writing 5 different posts explaining each of these tribes.

Day 1: Desia Kondh who have modernized 
They are the base of the Hills and hence are more civilized with respect to dressing and other means of living. They worship God that are represented by Hills . They left jungles and today are at the base of the hills .

Day 2: Kutia Kondh
Tribes with tattoos on their body are dwelling in the most remote jungles and are the earth worshipers , they have beautiful geometric tattoos on their face and body.
Kutia Kondh is the proof that Tattoos exist from ancient Indus valley civilization.

Day 3: .Dongaria Kondh , the 70,000 years old artistic tribe.
They dwell inside the forest and not willing to adopt to modern technology

Day 4: Onkadelly Bonda tribe .
The most dangerous and naked tribes of Tibeto-Burmese origin.

Day 5: Lanjia  Saora Tribe
A trip to the world of Gods , they are already referred to in Mahabharata and Ramayana . They practice speaking to the dead every day.
As soon as you enter their forest area  a miracle or something strange , a haunted is suppose to happen to every tourist , many tourist have had a haunted experienced on this land .
I will wait for one of the soul of the dead to climb my body.

Lets start with slightly civilized tribes - "Desia Kondh" a Dravidian tribe .They dwell at the base of the hills are found in and around Phulbani district in Orissa are very civilized in their dressing in comparison with the tribes that are dwelling at the top of the hills.

On the way to the Phulbani , one can view majestic Chilika Lake and there is a feeling of Kerala here.

On the way , one can find loving people.
Yes iam referring to myself - "I can forever be UN-DATE-ABLE to average men"

Language of love does not need any Google Translator App.
Is'nt surprising that love does not need any translations and i drank some Milk - Raw Milk provided by the Milkman's family.

On the way to Phulbani .
While a small cleavage  visible through a thin saree is a pleasant sight for many men out there reading my post , then Orissa can be an ANTI-CLIMAX  for most of  men out there with bare boobs available to look at in different shapes and sizes even when you are  inside the town and city lol..

Let head to "Desia Kondhs" Dwellings.
Desia Kondhs dwell at the base of the hills in and around Phulbani , 
The Desia Kondhs live in houses made of wooden walls and split bamboos.

They worship goddess earth , and gods that are represented by the hills and rocks.

Their water storage system instead of bottles

They greet you with a smile. The most humbling experience.
They don’t mind their photo taken only if they trust you.

They are mainly into agriculture.

They grow rice , paddy , fruits , vegetables all at the base of the hills where they dwell.

Cooking .

 Storage systems .

These are their rice and paddy fields .

Agriculture equipment.

As you see below , they have made small adaptions like wearing clothes and using household items , but they enjoy seclusion away from modern technology .

Storage of rice , sugarcane and other vegetables in handmade  baskets .

They make these baskets by themselves

They have cattle and goats as well and drink lots of milk everyday

A lesson that these tribes can teach us is  "independence"
They build their homes by themselves , they do agriculture and grow their own rice and other food items, in the money economy they still depend on barter system for fairness and equality.

These are the tribes who are closest to the modernization , but after looking at their hospitality and survival strategy i feel that - We who are already modern and civilized are still trapped into the Tribal thinking of group survival  , we start forming groups and focus on group survival strategies
Altruistic ones will beat the unskilled and selfish and then a group of selfish will beat the single altruistic .
Our  focus is still tribal and we are trapped into tribal thinking and this thinking has made all technology advancements obsolete  to the extent that it has resulted in WAR.

Self-sufficiency in domestic economy . They are more into civilization thinking  (values and ethics) and not tribal thinking anymore. Civilization values are more important than civilization itself.

My next post is about "Kutia Kondhs" they dwell inside the forest on hill top and they tattoo their hands and face. They are slightly more aggressive and not willing to adapt to modern technology , their area is called as Land of Gods because they are known for speaking to the spirit.
