Evolution of Life

Today's topic is about life and the reality of life!

Today iam again going to introduce you all to the fundamentals of  Psychology - Darwinian evolution
Darwinian evolution is named for the theory of Charles Darwin (1809-1882)

According to Darwinian theory of hunger games that we see in our life almost everyday

"life is an entertainment , there is nothing called as "Right "and there is nothing called as "Wrong" , those who are adaptable get everything "

 The Four F's of Darwin and life is an entertainment according to Darwin hunger games.
1. Fighting
2. Fleeing
3. Food
4. Fuck - Reproducing..

The Four "F", explain the existence of life and life has no goal and no meaning
We meet the hunger contestants everyday in life , excuse me ...iam not using big words , iam using exactly the words which Darwin used to describe human being - i know that we are all decent !

the law of tooth and claw.
Many wild animals kill other animals with their tooth and claw with red on teeth and claw
That's how Darwin has explained the evolution of life.

Darwin found it difficult to explain kindness amidst the "Tooth and Claw "theory
Darwin 's theory could not explain selfless acts that exists amidst the evolution - enabling the fitness of others of our own chance of survival.

Darwin rejects "Right " or "Wrong" , he only calls life as a series of events adapted by every species for the need of survival that mostly  selfishly benefits us at the expense of others .

People want more money for their parents, children  , wife's and husband and that is not all what they want in life , in the next level  it is "reproduction" and making more copies of themselves - Evolution by Natural Selection

A lot of people believe in Evolution by Natural Selection .
Fighting and Fleeing, lying and cheating , hurting and ....that "Tooth and Claw theory" finally most of the  people reach certain position and then start focusing on the last "F"  something that most people have to focus on! (Unconscionably)

While Darwin theory claims that one who win will get a chance to eat more food , more sex and more reproduction and life is series of events without a goal meant to reproduce - what is missing is "Altruism"

Altruism which is puzzling, which enables the fitness of others at the expense of our own chance of survival is not mentioned anywhere in Darwin;s theory , perhaps Darwin was not able to explain the reasons of selfless actions of some species .

Most of the people are so much influenced by the "Evolution of Natural Selection" that they are unable to understand "Altruism" .
If a man does not want to participate in "Tooth and Claw" even it is going to rob him of his survival advantage is seen with sympathy and pity and..men who reached that position with red on teeth killing everybody who he met on his way cheating and lying -believe that it is easy to kill the people who are Altruist by nature and that is the biggest mistake they make in their life ! Controversy about Charles Darwin Theory!

Ramayana is again about Evolution , it conveys a message that in this game of survival one should fight but never give up values and ethics , the more he give up his values the sooner he becomes a sufferer , it talks about karma .

I want to dedicate this song to all my followers!

Fight , Flee , Feed , Reproduce ..but dont cheat , lie or hurt , all of this is possible without cheating and lying .
