My Second Hospitalization In Tokyo!

Its a Viral Fever !
It started on Wednesday and on Thursday afternoon i had good japanese meal in the afternoon with our business science boss who visited Tokyo !

Loss of appetite since Thursday afternoon,no food for more than 24 hours and continuous vomiting after Friday afternoon!

I did not cancel any of my appointments on Friday at office  , but after our boss left at 2.15 pm , i rushed into the hospital by 4pm,
Along with a bunch of people i was waiting for my turn at Tokyo Mid Town!

Managed to live without food until Friday evening almost 30 hours !
unable to step on foot and walking was out of question and i dare not dream about my weekend "Konami sports"
My body trembles in cold and shivering , could not open my eyes

Then i started vomiting the water which i was drinking - finally rather than making me wait for the doctor
nurse took me to the emergency ward in the out patient department .

The nurse took good care of me and then the doctor came in  ,and he then asked me a few questions and then he told me
i have a "viral infection"
Loss of appetite , vomiting and headache is the symptom of viral infection.

IV Drips , they started infusing IV DRIPS!
After an hour i became energetic.

The doctor then came back and  suggested me to proceed with the intravenous drips for 3 hours .
I was then connected to another bag of IV after one hour.

The drip continued at a very slow rate, i was told i have to continue the full course for 3 hours
After an hour and half  i became energetic and nothing much to do other than Go Mobile as i was feeling lonely in the ward ,
should i inform someone on FB ? No !

It was an opportunity and I did not have much options
but had actually even endeavored to spend personal quiet time with Him/ my heavenly father to hear him speak ! The biggest strength of my life .

The final bag! The drip was painless...each time i finished one bag immediately the nurse replace another bag..

"it was already 9pm and the Tokyo mid town was still open due to the patients in the emergency ward"
I took a few pics .
I did not shed any tears , no emotion , no drama , no nothing! 

I was pepped up and energized after the 3 hours of IV Dripping which went straight into my veins
and the doctors deemed me "safe enough to go home with some prescription "
but he told me
" I will not be able to eat anything for 2 more days/ night " 48 more hours" , 72 hours without food.
"But try to start with fruit juice slowly. You should be able to start with light meals by Sunday!"
and iam ready to take medication without meals/lolz...

3 Hours of drips for 3 days lolz.
Well life is all about moderation mathematically means balancing between comfort and limits

So i have completed 50 hours now without food mathematically 22 more hours to go!

Guess what i did not miss even one day at work!
