Hunting for a Star!

They say the wish you make upon a falling star - a shooting star will always come true .
I love to sit outside and watch the stars everynight.
Eyes fixed on the sky , looking for a falling star - i mean a shooting star
But tonight i dont see any stars in the sky .

let me tell you a story.
Long Long Ago-One day i was sitting with a little boy outside my house in the night.
There were many twinkling stars up above the sky!It was as if they were dancing.
A cold wind was blowing and there was some music in the air!

We were studying in the same class and wrote our homework together everyday .
we came home from school fighting every day - you know what? Friends are to fight with each other and for other.

we prayed God  -
Dear God - You have so many stars with you , Will you please pass me one star .
We will share the star with each other and play with it every night !

After a few years he had a star with him , he was now in college and we no longer study together.
His friend shared the star with him.
He was seen playing with the star which his friend gave him .
5 Times a day sometimes 6 times a day he was seen playing with the same star!
The star made his worries go away .He was always seen dancing with the star.
Whenever he was tensed , he was seen going out to play with it.

A few years later he had 2 cotton balls on his nose he was dead! He has now become
"a star in the sky "

Say no to Drugs and Smoking!

If you want a star open your window and look up the sky !
You dont need to become a star to play with it.
I know he has now become one among that star in the sky i look up everyday .
Yes i fix my eye onto the sky looking for my father , but unfortunately i start remembering him.
