Feelin...Hot Hot Hot!

Yes summer is here!
I Cant believe that i marked one year in Japan and this is my second summer

Summer in Tokyo means the "Season of Hanabi"
Hanabi means "fireworks"

The top fire works in Tokyo are in the sub -urbs Adachi the place where i had been today .Adachi fireworks on the banks of Arakawa River.
Edogawa and Idabashi are other 2 places where major fireworks are held , but there are many more places in Tokyo where small fireworks are held

Adachi fireworks is the most popular fire works in Japan
The event was scheduled to start at 7.30 pm

Crowd buzzing with excitement !

In Japan Fireworks is all about amazing the crowd
The history about fireworks
Its started in 1733 during the shogunate period and it was started to cheer people after famine

Crowd rubbing shoulders with each other ! There were about 600 ,000 people at the venue.

Waiting for the show to start -"I cant wait anymore / I cant wait anymore!" Kids shout! Thats the toilet !
No iam not going to drink water for the next 3 hours!

The show begins!

Admist the crowd there is Serenity - words cannot describe ...sorry iam a bit poetic in this matter.

Rocket after rocket without a pause

"Iam sorry about pictures iam not a professional at snapping photos
With a lot of trial and error i captured a few pictures "

 Sky becomes alive with vibrant colours

 Feminine Passion Flower Correlated with Music- In the darkness of night !

After the festival the crowd /women beautifully dressed up in Yukata walked out in lanes ready for party and drinks .

I cant wait anymore -Is there a bathroom inside 7/11

Popular fire works in Tokyo

Sumida River Fireworks
the Edogawa Fireworks
Tokyo Bay Fireworks
and the Meiji Jingu Fireworks
