Another Culture Shock!

Alright the details that iam intending to write today comes from the experience of another female expat friend of mine and if anybody recognizes themselves as an offender "i have neither met you and nor i have seen you"

Along with my daily experiences at various tourists spots i have muddled  and off course exaggerated a bit more trying to be a little more autobiographical to impress some of the film directors who are reading my blog for a chance to write a script for a movie !

Disclaimer- Iam not completely innocent , but iam writing the truth  and i may not  be convincing everyone  with my point of view but as a writer i dont really care about it !

Yes today iam writing about the difference between female and male expats life in Japan !
Have you ever wondered why expat population in Japan  is largely dominated by males and why aren't not many female expats seen in the country ?
When male expats  are settling down so easily , why are the female expats heading to new pastures after a minimum period of 2.5 to 3 years ?

In a country where you can barely buy food without the language , Why is It  easier for a  male expat  to settle in Japan ?  in this equation let me call an "expat man " as an "American" since Japan has more number of expats from the US.
----let me tell you one of the main reasons is Japanese Girl Friends.
Struggling by in a hybrid of broken and Japanese English  , why do Americans  make japanese girl friends.?

1. Who does not want to have a girl friend , providing them with translation services of every commercial aired on TV and Radio .
3.Although they are struggling with the hybrid language they are pretty much aware of and have enough money to buy all the American brands , anyway to put it bluntly -who does not want to marry the" Richest girl of the world"

So the Japanese girls are more open minded and are welcoming American males / other foreign males easily into their lives ..
Alternatively the Japanese men are more like ronins , they dislike foreign woman
No matter how much you try to fit in , you will be  constantly reminded that you are a foreigner.

So why are Japanese women crazy of foreign men ?
Prestige status , going around with an English speaking men adds to their personal status ! And they are more than willing to even marry them !

This is exactly the reason why the expat population in japan is mostly males and you hardly see female expats planning for a long term stay in Japan !

A recent conversation that i had with a female expat from Malaysia at Starbucks !
She has been living in Japan for 4 years now and she is moving to Australia 2 months from now!
She has been working for one of the MNC in Osaka in a financial company which has more than 150 plus employees , she said the japanese woman are not only crazy about foreign men , they will not let another expat female make friendship with a foreigner!
They are annoyed and just cant take it when they see an expat female mixing with foreign men! And in a country like Japan where your work assignments mostly comes from the team and not from the very nice bosses- attempting to make  friends with a foreigner would mean inviting troubles for your career"

So my expat friend  attempted to make friendship with a foreigner gaijin at  her office and overnight the attitude of a group of females changed towards her , they just could not stand her presence anywhere even in company social gathering where she could get more opportunity to make friends with the foreign crowd !
On one side when she had issue with male colleagues who constantly reminded her that she was a foreigner ,  from the other side there was a pressure from female colleagues - "You better behave" rule.

Sorry about that i didn't mean to rant that much , this is purely based on my friend's experience! And during my trip to Kyoto , Nara , Fuji Rock Festival i have seen a lot of couple speaking hybrid language of broken English +Japanese ! And I was wondering "how is this possible?"

I work for a better organization where people are more open minded!
Throw caution" The life of an expat woman in Japan is 10 times more difficult than an expat man"

Foreign Men are welcomed by the Japanese woman , they are provided with 24/7 translation services.
but in case of Female expat - "You better behave " is the rule  ....exactly is one of the main reason why the expat population is mostly male and not female!

My apologies if anybody has come to my blog to read a math problem. By the way -
I do my groceries myself , cook for myself , clean my home and every 3 months i have to buy new curtains , plates and glasses ! I make sure that i have enough of toilet paper at home!

The only time i feel alone is when iam sick and most of my friends have suggested me to visit pubs , clubs at Roppongi where i can find more English speaking crowd...
But the question is how will trust him? most men who go to these places go with an intention of finding a woman to sleep with , i want friendship and not sex--how will i be able to find someone who can take care of me when iam sick! How will i trust a stranger i have not met before?

So that might be the reason why even iam thinking of packing up .as early as possible and  to explore some other country ..and my choice is either china or Australia ..
